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Re: APT broken ?

On Sun, 5 Apr 1998, Dale Scheetz wrote:
> Consider the perl package that you can unpack, but not install, because of
> faults in the post install script. If this perl version is required by the
> the rest of the system, in depends or pre-depends, then marking the
> package as "install ok hold" would allow the rest of the installation to
> proceed.
	I agree-- I am afraid of a  critical tool which is not tolerant of
bugs in the rest of the system. 
	Analogy: make tough laws and enforcment system against stealing,
because its bad.  But don't design your your businesses and institutions
to depend on the assumption that no stealing will occur, or you are asking
for trouble. 

	I don't know if 'hold' is the right way to implement this.  If you
could flag a package as somehow ok, even if it is only unpacked, apt could
give a kind of 'proceed at your own risk' warning.
	Apt may well be good enough to preserve perfect integrity provided
all packages are perfect, but what can it do about broken post install and
remove scripts ?  I can  report a bug , but do I have to wait until the
bug is fixed before I can do anything to the rest of the system ?


John Lapeyre <lapeyre@physics.arizona.edu>
Tucson,AZ     http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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