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Re: Hamm frozen, Slink created

Dale Scheetz <dwarf@polaris.net> writes:

> I probably will not do this again in the future, simply because it is very
> hard to impliment (converting symlinks to hard links) and it serves a very
> limited audience.

Actually, it's quite easy to harden links, with standard commands:

find msdos-i386 -type l -printf '%d %p %l\n' \
    | awk '{ printf("ln -fv %s %s\n", substr($3, 3*$1+1), $2) }' \
    | /bin/sh

Does standard ISO 9660 actually support hard links?

> For those same reasons we probably aught not to worry to much about the
> situation in the archives.

I definitely think the FTP archives should contain symlinks.

	 Carey Evans  http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/c.evans/

"[UNIX] appears to have the inside track on being the replacement for
  CP/M on the largest microcomputers (e.g. those based on 68000...)"

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