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Re: APT broken ?

> > This is a serious problem and really has to be solved eventually.
> > In particular it makes apt completely useless on this system where
> > I have a couple packages installed but unconfigured because I don't
> > want to install the packages they depend on.
> I have no intention of supporting this in the near future. I suggest you
> look at the equivs package.
> Thinks like this wreck havok with the ordering algorithm and the
> installation sanity checks and if you want to disable those then apt
> provides no benifit for you.

	Sounds like a dilemma.  I suppose it's very difficult
to get apt to behave correctly if it can't rely on the integrity of the
installation, and perhaps, practically, there is no way that it can be so
smart without this assurance (i don't know)
	On the other hand, how many people have a perfect installation ? 
(I guess about 0% (of all,not just developers) , let me know if I'm
wrong). It might be very difficult to have a perfect installation,
particularly for those without a year or so of experience.  Given the
great number of packages, complexity of installation, and numerous small
bugs, it's not surprising that one or two inconsistancies creep in.  I
deal with my system every day.  So, with a little work , I can try to fix
things.  What about the sysadmin with 100 machines who doesn't know the
ins and outs of Debian ?  Perhaps there needs to be some fault tolerance.
(I say , 'perhaps', I'm not claiming to have an answer.) 


John Lapeyre <lapeyre@physics.arizona.edu>
Tucson,AZ     http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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