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tcsh should be removed from hamm

	One of the sysadmins here (UofA Physics) went out on a bit of a
limb to convince his boss to install Debian in the linux lab and on all
new deparment linux machines (which are going into offices in increasing
numbers) Everyone here is used to tcsh, so that's the default shell.  The
'top's on all the machines in the linux labs usually have two or three
runaway tcsh's each. 
	It seems this is somewhat more severe than 'normal' .  Doesn't
this warrant it's being removed from hamm ?  (note the bug report is 95
days old)

#16150: tcsh goes runaway 
     Package: tcsh; Reported by: Kane Spinato
<kriebly@spasm.stanford.edu>; 95 days old. 

Package: tcsh
Maintainer: Vadim Vygonets <vadik@cs.huji.ac.il>
Version: 6.07.02-5     

Most of us use tcsh as our login shell on this machine. If our session
becomes disconnected (rather than us explicitly logged out) while we
are in the middle of running a program, tcsh process will remain, and
it begins to load down our cpu.

It is necessary for the owner or root to send a kill -SEGV or kill
-KILL to kill the process.


G John Lapeyre <lapeyre@physics.arizona.edu>
Tucson,AZ     http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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