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Re: ppp and new users (was: Re: Tecnology and marketing)

john@dhh.gt.org writes:

> Exactly.  You should use the namesevers appropriate to the current
> connection.  The obvious way to do this is to re-order the nameservers for
> every connection.  I don't like the idea of messing with a config file on
> every call.

Hmm.  Seems like the right answer to me.  That's what the config
files's for.

Here, I'm running bind, but only when I have a ppp connection.  When I
make the connection, my ip-up script changes /etc/{host,resolv}.conf
and then starts up bind (or reloads it -- if it's already running for
some reason).  My ip-down script reverses the changes and kills bind.
Finally whether or not bind is allowed to run is determined by the
existence of /var/run/bind.ok.  This file keeps the machine from
hanging on reboot if it ever goes down without executing ip-down (due
to a crash or whatever).

Rob Browning <rlb@cs.utexas.edu>
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