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Re: HAMM FREEZE (removed packages)

Juan Cespedes <cespedes@debian.org> writes:

> On Sun, Mar 15, 1998 at 12:12:42PM -0500, Brian White wrote:
> > I've removed the following packages from Hamm because they still have
> > critical, grave, or important bugs registered against them.  To get them
> > back in the archive, simply upload a version to "frozen" that fixes _all_
> > of the open critical, grave, and important bugs registered against that
> > package.
> 	Weren't you going to remove them the 16th?  Many of the bugs
> will get fixed in a few hours.
> > ascii			journal			quota
> 	I think quota is "too important to be removed".  And its only
> important bug is not so important...

If it's buggy, remove it, that was the deal... I oviasly isn't important
enough to be fixed...

> > bitchx-lib		ksmbfs			rocks-n-diamonds
> 	`ksmbfs' doesn't have any release-critical bug (according to the
> www pages).
> > elvis			libtclobjc1		tkdesk
> 	Why is emacs "too important to be removed", but elvis isn't?

elvis sucks? Just kidding, I don't know why, but I couldn't help my self... :)

> > gcl-doc			nvi			wzip
> 	nvi!  IIRC, that's our standard `vi' editor!

Who's? Yours? Debians?

> > The source for these packages should be available under project/orphaned
> > on the ftp site.  A new upload should automatically remove the package
> > from the orphaned directory.
> 	Have you also removed those packages from other architectures?
> I hope not!  At least, please DON'T remove anything from `sparc'.
> Maybe we won't be able to have Debian 2.0 for Sparc, but we have a
> very few things working and I wouldn't like to have to recompile them.

Read my first note on this and the other 'complaints' (removed to avoid
duplication on answers)...

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