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Christian Leutloff <leutloff@sundancer.oche.de> writes:

> wouldn't it be helpful for the non-i386 architecture to make the
> release of Debian 2.0 with an individual release *date*.

[I don't know about non-m68k ports, and I won't (unlike some) try to
speak for them, what I'm saying is WRT to m68k only]

IMO, No.

> It would be useful to all our ports to have a working 2.0 release
> even if there are three additional month needed to make it
> ready. With nearly no changes in the source code base it would be
> much easier to catch up with the i386 binaries.

And then you end up having to play catch up all over again for the
next release; as far as I, personally, am concerned for m68k?  No
thanks.  Debian/m68k has been unreleased for way too long now, I'm
going to do everything I can to get it released with hamm, if we miss
the deadline, we miss it and we start aiming for 2.1, but talking
about different release dates for different architectures of the same
Debian release is a dead end in my opinion.

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