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Kernel Space NFSd? knfs package


	I'm trying to get the kernel space nfsd to work. I have installed 
knfs, which, btw, has some bugs[*], and I get:

Starting Kernel NFS services:  kmountd knfsdpollux.efis.ucr.ac.cr:/home:
Operation not permitted

the error comes from this:

root@bellatrix:~# kexportfs -a
pollux.efis.ucr.ac.cr:/home: Operation not permitted

/etc/exports on bellatrix reads something like this:

/home/mmagallo          scratchy.emate.ucr.ac.cr(rw,secure,no_root_squash) \
/home                   pollux.efis.ucr.ac.cr(rw,secure,no_root_squash)

With scratchy and lachesis everything is ok. kexportfs doesn't complain
about them. It only complains about pollux. I have edited exports to
include just that line, and it complains with that very unhelpful error.
The logs say nothing about this. Why is this invalid.

root@bellatrix:~# ls -ld /home
drwxrwsr-x   8 root     staff        1024 Feb 19 09:54 /home

root@bellatrix:~# ls -ld /home/mmagallo
drwxr-sr-x  27 mmagallo mmagallo     3072 Mar 11 13:16 /home/mmagallo

Any ideas?

[*] knfs bugs (or things I think are bugs...)

/etc/init.d/knfs reads:

test -f /proc/net/rpc/nfsd || insmod nfsd || exit 0

but nfsd depends on other modules (sunrpc, lockd <- this is why I'm trying
to get this running), and this fails. Instead of insmod it should be

Also, doesn't remove /var/lib/nfs/xtab on stop. That file has to be
rewritten from /etc/exports for "kexportfs -a" to work. If it's not
removed, the next time nfsd loads, it will use its contents and, I think,
merge them with /etc/exports.

The postinst has this:

if ! grep "^test -x /proc" /etc/init.d/netstd_nfs; then
        sed </etc/init.d/netstd_nfs >/tmp/$$ -e '/^NET=/a\' -e "test -x /proc/net/rpc/nfsd && exit 0"
        cp /tmp/$$ /etc/init.d/netstd_nfs
        rm /tmp/$$

what is it looking for? There's no line 'test -x /proc' here, so the
script wasn't modified (isn't it against policy to modify a script without
asking?). There's no line "NET=" either. And /proc/net/rpc/nfsd is not

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