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Re: Need some administrative assistance.

On Tue, 10 Mar 1998, Dale Scheetz wrote:

[no time to handle old bug reports]

> What I am looking for is an administrative assistant. Someone who could
> work on the bug reports, contact respondends, and generaly "manage" the
> bug reports in such a way that the result is a list of bugs in priority
> order that I can then whittle away at. I would still be willing to close
> bugs (I don't really have a problem with the administrator closing them,
> but others might) and would need periodic lists of numbers to close.
> Primarily, I am looking for someone with some time on their hands. I know
> that none of us have any, but please search your private stash and see if
> there is room for this.

As I am not a developer but have been closely following development, I
think I might be the right person for this task. I have done a similar
thing for the xbase package, closing many bugs that just didn't exist
anymore because they were so very old.

> Secondarily, I would like someone with an interest in the package, but not
> necessarily any skills or understanding (please! I'm not excluding folks
> with complete understanding, I just don't wish to exclude everyone else
> from consideration either). An ability to communicate via e-mail is
> essential, as well as a willingness to do repetative, unrewarding work ;-)

I'd have interest in any package, but I am not a C programmer. E-mail
communication is no problem, as I have a permanent internet connection and
my computer is turned on 24/7.

> It was suggested to me in private communications that my needs fall
> within the issue of multiple maintainers for packages. I'm not sure that's
> what I'm looking for, although I would certainly wish that the person
> taking on this task get many awards and plaudits in return for their
> efforts.

Well, getting awards for ones efforts is always nice. But I don't demand
very much. Heck, I am not even a developer. What rewards could I demand?

> While I am willing to have this turn into a discussion of multi-maintainer
> packages and their management, I am more interested in finding that person
> who can give me a hand with this problem.

I could start browsing your bug reports any time now, as soon as I have
your approval.

BTW, is there a convenient way of replying to (old) messages that were
sent to bug reports? Currently I am doing it with copy and paste from
Netscape into pine-in-an-xterm, but this is not working very convenient
when handling a lot of bug reports.

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