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Re: Intend to package textures

>>>>> "MS" == Martin Schulze <joey@kuolema.Infodrom.North.DE> writes:

  MS> our good old ctwm (3.3) package contained a bunch of additional
  MS> textures (*.xpm and *.xbm) that could be used in addition to
  MS> ctwm to get some additional graphical elements.  Textures are
  MS> graphics used for pavements, i.e. they normally consist of
  MS> correct boundings etc. and may be used for backgrounds etc.
  MS> Additional there are some icons that may be used in menues and
  MS> for iconification.


  MS> a) How should such a package be called?  ``textures''?  Or maybe
  MS> ``twm-common'' or even ``twm-textures''?

I would suggest pixmap-textures or the like; it's more descriptive
than just textures, and twm-xxx isn't really accurate, since they are
useful for many other packages.

  MS> b) Which window manager supports *.xpm pixmaps?  fvwm2, ctwm,
  MS> .... (give me a list please)

fvwm2, ctwm, afterstep, wmaker, fvwm95, and sccwm as far as I know and
can see in the packages list.

  MS> c) Where should I put the files?  In the past they were put into
  MS> /usr/X11R6/lib/ctwm/images (*.xbm) /usr/X11R6/lib/ctwm/images/bg
  MS> (*.xpm)

I would think they should go in /usr/include/X11/{pixmaps,bitmaps}
with all the rest, maybe prepending texture- if there's a potential
for name conflict.


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