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Intend to package textures


our good old ctwm (3.3) package contained a bunch of additional
textures (*.xpm and *.xbm) that could be used in addition to
ctwm to get some additional graphical elements.  Textures are
graphics used for pavements, i.e. they normally consist of
correct boundings etc. and may be used for backgrounds etc.
Additional there are some icons that may be used in menues
and for iconification.

I'm working on a new upload of ctwm 3.5 as it is orphaned now
and its old maintainer threw away all of my changes. :(
This means that there is now time to re-think these textures.

a) How should such a package be called?
   ``textures''?  Or maybe ``twm-common'' or even ``twm-textures''?

b) Which window manager supports *.xpm pixmaps?
   fvwm2, ctwm, .... (give me a list please)

c) Where should I put the files?  In the past they were put into
   /usr/X11R6/lib/ctwm/images (*.xbm)
   /usr/X11R6/lib/ctwm/images/bg (*.xpm)



  / Martin Schulze  *  joey@infodrom.north.de  *  26129 Oldenburg /
 / Germany.Net ist vergleichbar mit einem Telefon                /
/          ohne Waehlscheibe und Klingel... -- Lutz Donnerhacke /

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