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Re: Directory Organization for Sub-Architectures?

Roman Hodek <Roman.Hodek@informatik.uni-erlangen.de> writes:

> This still doesn't solve the installation problems... You still can
> install packages from m68k-amiga if you run an Atari.

Yes, it's not a complete solution, but it could at least get the
packages into the distribution.  I can have dinstall understand a
Subarchitecture field.  You just have to be point dselect at the right
archs.  Later we could get Subarchitecture support into dpkg so that
it would refuse to install packages with a different Subarchitecture.

Rather than a seperate field, we could just seperate it with some
character, for example `Architecture: m68k/amiga'.  That actually has
an advantage that running an old dpkg on an atari, for example, would
just refuse to install.  It would incorrectly install it if you did
with a second Subarchicture field.  A new dpkg running on amiga would
accept both `Architecture: m68k' and `Architecure: m68k/amiga'.


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