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Re: Should debhelper's dh_md5sums and dh_makeshlibs use chown?

Jean Pierre LeJacq <jplejacq@quoininc.com> writes:

> I believe super works as well but I don't believe that either super or
> fakeroot are safer.  I'm concerned that too much may be done in the
> binary target causing a poorly constructed package to possibly damage
> the builders system (I've done this to myself).  It seems that a
> reasonable policy should restrict super user access to only where its
> required.

Depends on what you mean by safer, but in some ways fakeroot is
*absolutely* safer.  With fakeroot, you're never actually root (as you
are with su or super), so you can't actually do something silly like
"rm -r /" during the build process.  Now you still could construct a
pacakge that did that in a script, but that's a whole different

Rob Browning <rlb@cs.utexas.edu>
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