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Re: make most files conffiles?

On Mon, Feb 23, 1998 at 10:52:52PM -0600, Zed Pobre wrote:

> > Besides, no admin should be changing files in /usr except in /usr/local. 
>     I would like to take exception to this.  An admin should be changing
> whatever he feels is appropriate on his own system.  He just shouldn't be
> bitching to "The OS Vendor" if he screws up his system by doing something
> that wasn't recommended.

Indeed; however Debian shouldn't make any particular attempt to accomodate
people who change /usr.

>     Speaking of things in /bin, what's the reason for distributing shells
> such as tcsh and zsh only in /usr/bin?

To keep /bin small, mainly. We have one full-featured shell in there, how
many more do you need?

> seemed kind of odd.  Also, what's the reason for leaving things like ls,
> ln, etc in /bin dynamically compiled?

It is unlikely that you will have access to /bin and not /lib: all the
libraries used by programs in /bin have to be in /lib.

If you screw up your libraries, the files to fix them are statically linked:

	aziraphale:~>ldd /sbin/sln 
	        statically linked (ELF)
	aziraphale:~>ldd /sbin/ldconfig 
	        statically linked (ELF)

(sln is the same as ln)

> > If you still want to change files see dpkg-divert, which is in the dpkg
> > package.
>     Which might work for people creating home-rolled .deb files,

No, it works for local diversions too, indeed that is the default.

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