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Re: make most files conffiles?


On Tue, 24 Feb 1998, Remco Blaakmeer wrote:

> Besides, no admin should be changing files in /usr except in /usr/local. 

    I would like to take exception to this.  An admin should be changing
whatever he feels is appropriate on his own system.  He just shouldn't be
bitching to "The OS Vendor" if he screws up his system by doing something
that wasn't recommended.
    I personally have swapped out several files from /usr/bin, and I do
things to /bin as well, and while I do put most of my own programs in
/usr/local/bin, I like to be able to make a modification/bugfix/whatever
to an installed package and swap it into /usr/bin without the package
manager being the wiser.  It makes it easier to get rid of these files
later when I upgrade the main package, hopefully to something that didn't
need my personal patching.

    Speaking of things in /bin, what's the reason for distributing shells
such as tcsh and zsh only in /usr/bin?  I've made physical copies of them
to /bin so that if I lose everything but my root filesystem I can still
navigate using my favorite shells, but it seemed kind of odd.  Also,
what's the reason for leaving things like ls, ln, etc in /bin dynamically
compiled?  Eventually, I'll be recompiling them statically and replacing
them as well, but I was wondering why they weren't that way in the first
place...  I realize that cutting down on the base installation size has
been important, but I thought that crash-recovery would take priority.

> If you still want to change files see dpkg-divert, which is in the dpkg
> package.

    Which might work for people creating home-rolled .deb files, but
according to policy (2.3.8), you aren't supposed to do this for a
released package without talking to the maintainer of the other package.

Zed Pobre  <zcp@po.cwru.edu>  |  PGP key on servers, fingerprint on finger

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