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The shell scripts in debhelp have the following line:


/usr should not be hardcoded; I'm making a bunch of packages for our
server environment according to our local file system standard, and even
though I've modified your debian/rules to reflect the use of /ms instead of
/usr, your scripts do not reflect this.  For a good example of how to do this
well, take a look at the debian/rules file for make.  At the top of the
rules file, Manoj has:

	PREFIX = /usr

I change this one place and I'm ready to go.  It helps a lot in my case.

It might be asking too much to have path-independence be a matter
of policy, but I know that if it were, I could have gone home a few
hours ago.  FYI.

Todd Graham Lewis        Manager of Web Engineering    (800) 719-4664, x2804
******Linux******          MindSpring Enterprises      tlewis@mindspring.net

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