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Re: Bug#18513: kernel-headers-2.0.32: sets /usr/src/linux symlink on upgrade

>>"Christoph" == Christoph Lameter <christoph@lameter.com> writes:

Christoph> /usr/src/linux has always been the location of the kernel
Christoph> and is primarily a user responsibility. It cannot be moved
Christoph> to another location. Messing around with it is wrong if it
Christoph> exists. And moving the symlink to your headers when its
Christoph> pointing to a perfectly fine kernel tree is definitely a
Christoph> bug.

	Ever since kernel-headers and kernel source packkages have
 existed, and that dates back to mid to late 1995, I think,
 /usr/src/linux on Debian has always been a symlink. Yes, Debian is
 different from other unices, and even other linuxes. When I was on
 SLS, everything was the users responsibility. The we gor the FSSTND,
 and better quality distributions like Debian. In Debian, in order to
 get the advantages, one follows rules. In SLS, I could rm -rf
 /var/lib/dpkg with impunity.

	/usr/src/linux belongs to the kernel-packages, and what is
 done with the link is documented in /usr/doc. 

	Almost 3 years is an eternity in the Linux word, for Debian
 has had /usr/src/linux symlinks forever. Both the FHS and the FSSTND
 have stated that /usr/local is the local domain, and /usr/src belongs
 to the vendor.

	All this has been hashed out in great detail in debian-devel
 and debian-plocy quite recently,and I have conceded that the symlinks
 might be an idea whose time has passed.

	However, the discussion ended we me reminding people that just
 removing the symlinks shall cause old packages to break, and that I
 would gradually phase out the symlinks.

	Since you are a developer and presumably read these lists, I
 can only assume that you were trying to extress your opinion
 via the bug track system

	In the mean while, while the kernel-* packages continue to
 follow the letter and the intent of policy, and while there is a
 possibility that the old packages may break, I shall not be
 harrangued with bug reports.

	The symlinks shall disappear in due time. Right now, the
 packages are following policy.

	Get the policy changedfaster than my schedule, and I shall
 comply forthwith. In the mean while, as we have lived with these
 links for nigh on three years, we can survive a month or two longer. 

	I do not, by the way, condone flouting the FHS by putting
 local kernel sources in /usr/src rather than /usr/local/src.

 To the habitual reader, reading is a drug of which he is the slave;
 deprive him of printed matter and he grows nervous, moody, and
 restless; then, like the alcoholic bereft of brandy who will drink
 shellac or methylated spirit, he will make do with the advertisements
 of a paper five years old; he will make do with a telephone
 directory. Somerset Maugham, "The Bum"
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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