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Virtual Packages

	As requested for in Debian-Policy for creation of new virtual
packages (and also to have some discussion about them) I ask for the
inclusion of the following virtual packages

vrml-browser	Same as www-browser but for vrml (wrl) files.
		Will be used by the packages vrweb and vrwave (which I

java-compiler   To include both jdk 1.0.2 (which is divided in many small
		packages, name varying whether you have Motif or not) and
		jdk 1.1 (which is in unstable and has different
		package names from jdk 1.1)

The reason for the later is so Java-based programs can just check there is
jdk available to run with (if they do not depend on a specific version of
jdk) just the same as c-compiler is used.

	Well, any opinions?


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