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Re: More about lintian


	[I an not against using .. as an escape]
>>"Charles" == Charles Briscoe-Smith <cpbs@debian.org> writes:

Charles> Definately.  In my package, gsn-curses, I copied the upstream
Charles> author's description of the game, which ends like this:

Charles> [...] two all get in your way; and somehow you keep being
Charles> reminded of your family through the ages, and all its
Charles> Curses...

Charles> ...could it be that even you are Cursed?

Charles> Now, how can I re-wrap that last short paragraph to prevent
Charles> the dots appearing at the start of a line?  I can't.

	You can't? There is nothing that states that your description
 has to be a verbatim copy of the upstream author's. We are permitted
 ingenuity and innovation ...

 two all get in your way; and somehow you keep being
 reminded of your family through the ages, and all its
 Could it be that even you are Cursed?

	This by itself is not a good argument against policy. There
 have been others, and I do think it is important we have an escape

 preferring can do to no can do
 Secret sources are more credible.  -- Ron Nessen
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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