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Banner exchange

I'd just like to share a random thought with everyone.

Would it not be a good idea to raise the visibility of the various
Debian and SPI sponsored programs?  There are several free banner
exchange systems that people use to advertise such things as the bovine
RSA-64 cracking system, on various people's web pages.  at the very
least http://www.projects.ml.org/ is now running a banner exchange

Perhaps somebody (who is good at graphics) could submit banners for
Debian, Berlin, Open Hardware, Gnome, etc...

I just thought it might raise the visibility of these projects in many
people's eyes.

Perhaps somebody has already thought of this.  Like I said, just a
random thought...


Behan Webster     mailto:behanw@verisim.com
+1-613-224-7547   http://www.verisim.com/

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