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Re: Intent to package proj -- coyright question

Mark W. Eichin writes:
> It's been true in the past that the USG could not hold copyrights,...

That is not what the law says. What it does say, in essence, is that works
produced by employees (not contractors) of the US Government on Government
time do not receive copyright protection.

> ...which is why there'd be no copyright notice on the code.

There usually is a notice, stating that it is not protected by copyright
but warning that you could get in trouble if you claim it as your own.

> That was before the US signed the Berne Convention, and also before some
> recent changes that let NASA commercialize stuff a little more directly;
> so details may have changed...

I don't think anything has changed.  The NASA stuff is generally the work
of contractors.
John Hasler
john@dhh.gt.org (John Hasler)
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

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