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Re: master under v. high load, bug WWW updates temporarily every 4h

owner@bugs.debian.org (Ian Jackson)  wrote on 12.02.98 in <[🔎] m0y32u8-0007zsC@chiark.greenend.org.uk>:

> 1. I notice that Kai is running a cronjob which does an ls -laR on the
> ftp tree every day.  Do we not have enough indices ?

That's part of a script comparing master and ftp. It could use  
improvements, preferrably enough that it could post an alert itself if  
something is wrong.

It obviously can't rely on any index on ftp.debian.org, and the one on  
master is simply the same as on ftp. I'm not claiming that's the best  
possible solution.

OTOH, this should not produce serious load - if it does, I'd say something  
is wrong.

I'll look it over to see if I can improve it.

> 3. Would more memory help ?

The only high load memory doesn't help with, is CPU-bound jobs.

MfG Kai

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