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Re: master under v. high load, bug WWW updates temporarily every 4h

On Thu, 12 Feb 1998, Ian Jackson wrote:

> I've reduced the frequency of the bug web update cron job to once
> every 4 hours becase master has been at a load of 30 for the past
> several hours.

Only 30? It has been known to peak at about 45 for half hour periods. 
Right now it is idling at 11. I have never seen it below 5 and I do look
:> I think alot of the problems are caused by too many cron jobs causing
the disk to be very busy. 

There are several MAJOR scripts that run at occasional intervals to manage
the archive, these things take gobs of memory and upward of an hour to run
and they basically trash the disk the whole time (reading archives, etc).

I suspect that if we put enough effort into it (but who has the time?) the
scripts could be optimized so that they don't take quite as much
resources. Alternatively we can split some of the load off onto Va which
is idling at 0.00 these days (it is a PPro-200 too)

> 3. Would more memory help ?

I don't think so, first off master is an older P90 (75?) and adding more
ram will likely exceed it's cache limit and just slow the processer down.
Also it is only 25M into swap with 18M of free ram which isn't too shabby.

Just for discussion, a ps -aux --cumulative right now, here are the
interesting things:
andrew   17885  1.0  2.6 17276  1668  ?  S     06:08   7:04 rsync --server --se
iwj       8385  8.3 23.9 16160 15128  ?  R     15:39   6:30 perl /debian/home/i
maor     28649 18.3  1.3  1504   824  ?  S     14:51  23:00 sh /debian/home/mao
qmaild   20796  0.3  0.1   796    80  ?  S    Feb  4  37:16 /usr/local/bin/tcps
qmaill    1294  0.2  0.1   720   124  ?  S    Jan 20  77:40 /usr/local/bin/logg
qmailr    1296  8.3  0.1   856   104  ?  S    Jan 20 2784:11 qmail-rspawn 
root        13  0.3  0.0   796    44  ?  S    Jan 20  105:58 update 
root      1208  0.1  0.2   832   168  ?  S    Jan 20   65:12 /sbin/syslogd 
root      1228 16.2  0.2   824   164  ?  S    Jan 20 5422:14 /usr/sbin/inetd 
root      1240  1.0  0.2  1072   172  ?  S    Jan 20  337:10 /usr/sbin/apache 
root      1243  0.6  0.3   812   236  ?  S    Jan 20  209:43 /usr/sbin/tcplogd
root      1250  0.0  0.3   812   224  ?  S    Jan 20   28:50 /usr/sbin/icmplogd
root      1258  2.9  0.7  1372   456  ?  S    Jan 20  999:25 /usr/sbin/sshd 
root      1286 20.7  0.2   840   128  ?  S    Jan 20 6938:46 /usr/sbin/cron 
root      1295  1.3  0.1   868   116  ?  S    Jan 20  456:26 qmail-lspawn 

This is pretty much everything with a sizeable ctime. First off, it is
interesting to note that their are three sources of load, inetd, qmail and
cron jobs. The 5000m on inetd is actually pretty sickening, maybe we
should be using proftpd (master gets alot of ftp hits) and some sort of
faster ident server..

Do we really need the ip paranoia deamons? Connections to master are
logged at least two times and it doesn't help speed up the disk any. I am
not at all sure why apache is consuming so much cpu maybe we should point
cgi.debian.org to va (James?)

The maor shell script is running dpkg-scanpackages, you can see that has
already taken way over 40 mins, iwj's perl script (perl
stamp.html.run/home/Archives/DebianWebMaster/debian.org-local/Bugs/db)  is
just sucking back memory, I don't know what it does but it has been going
for 30 mins now as well. 


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