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Re: package bo-upgrade

On Sun, Feb 08, 1998 at 12:18:45PM -0800, Christoph Lameter wrote:
> Reasons for packaging it:
> 1. The bug system can be used to file bugs against it.

Rest assured that this will happen.
> 2. The autoup script is floating around freely on the net and different
>    people have fixed things in it and never announced much to the Debian people.
>    This is a way of centralizing development
>    in the formal ways designed by the Debian Project and allowing other
>    developers to introduce changes.

Is this actually true? I ask the people who rote the script. I had the
impression that it was in good hands all the time...
> 3. The script did not do a complete job. It did not clean up the utmp/wtmp issue. This could
>    easily be fixed though.

This is a good reason *against* the package.
> 4. The package can use dependencies to restrict installation to where its applicable (not
>    done yet). Might use other features.

I don't understand this. Especially this "other features".
> 4. The bo-upgrade functionality is important and announcement of changes should
>    be made on the proper channels.

IMHO it should not be announced at all at the moment. "Developers and
testers" only if you ask me. I better not imagine how angry people can get
if they have the impression that they can upgrade to hamm with "One click"
and instead break their system with "One click".
> 5. People are used to upgrading by getting a *.deb and installing that. Running
>    a script is not debian style. I have heard
>    "Their package manager was not able to handle the upgrade" etc.

I hear people say "Their package manager was able to break my system completely"
by installing a *.deb file. It is not a shame to have to run a script. It is
a shame to say that it is easy if it is *not* easy, this is Microsoft style.
If we say that it is dangerous, nobody has to complain, but they will be
lucky we explained as much as is needed to understand how to upgrade. At
last it is able to upgrade without reinstalling, and Debian is doing a
wonderful thing here. But it is not Plug and Pray.

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