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Re: Debian "goals" question

On Mon, Feb 09, 1998 at 12:12:58AM +0900, Derric L. Tubbs wrote:
> I've been using Slackware for about 2 years now and sometimes am
> disgusted by things like the file system structure not following the FHS
> and simple little things like vi actually being elvis.  What I want to
> know about Debian, as I am considering switching, is one of your overall
> goals to be more "Unix like"?  I want a Linux system that most closely
> resembles that of the big Unix names, and I understand that they do vary
> themselves.  I am tired of having certain programs have compile problems
> because Slackware uses non-standard directory layout.  I tend to not use
> the tarballs that are distributed for Slackware, I lile to compile my
> own.  Anyhow, I'm rambling on now.  Can you give me any help here :-)

Debian GNU/Linux follows the FSSTND 2.1.  It has been discussed to
implement FHS, to, but this has to wait until 2.0 has been released.

You'll find our goals on the web at the following URL:


You'll find some technical goals for 2.0 at this URL:


You'll find our packaging policy here:


And here's the packaging manual but I doubt it'll be of that interest
for you while you're not a maintainer yet:




   / Martin Schulze  *  joey@infodrom.north.de  *  26129 Oldenburg /
  / linux: Unbekannter Terminaltyp                                /
 / Ich weiß nicht, auf was für einem Terminaltyp Sie arbeiten -  /
/ alles, was ich habe, ist 'linux'.              -- Solaris 2.5 /

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