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Re: packaging static lib oriented software

"James A.Treacy" <treacy@debian.org> writes:

> Even a 5% slow down is too much. People seem to forget that when you
> are running really large programs that that can be significant.

I'm reminded of the old joke where the king has asked his gardener to
plant a row of some particular type of slow-growth tree:

"I want a 100m long row of trees, each 20m high."
"Sire, these trees will take at least 75 years to reach that height."
"Then I want them planted today !"

I'm also skeptical about a 30% slowdown caused by the loss of one
register.  Obviously you should run some benchmarks before accepting
heresay.  The performance penalty is probably only so apparent on a
non-superscalar ix86.


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