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Re: Emacsen intermediate step proposal.

On Mon, 12 Jan 1998, Brian White wrote:

> I know we already have an emacs package.  I use it.  It seems silly to create
> a different virtual package name.  That will just create more problems with
> any package that already have a dependancy on emacs.

And providing a virtual package will break any elisp packages that aren't
expecting the new scheme.

> Also, I thought "Conflicts:" would stop coinstallation but "Replaces:" would
> allow it.  Once the actual emacs package has been purged, the virtual package
> should go unseen except when calculating dependancies.  It's transparent to
> replace/conflict directives.  (I believe so, anyway.)

I slightly mistyped, if you conflict and replace emacs then nothing else
providing emacs can install.  And since conflicting and replacing emacs is
about the only way to get emacs19 to install cleanly, you've nicely
removed any chance of using emacs as a virtual package name.

Scott K. Ellis <storm@gate.net>                 http://www.gate.net/~storm/

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