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Re: MTA for firewalls, etc. ?

On Mon, 12 Jan 1998, Christian Schwarz wrote:

> A lot of packages (e.g., cron) require a mail-transport-agent to be
> installed. For security and other reasons, I'd like to have a very simple
> MTA which will deliver all mails locally (i.e., directly to
> /var/spool/mail) without any `.forwards' files, etc. The MTA should not
> accept connections from outside and should never send any mails to other
> hosts. 
> One could probably tune sendmail/smail to do this, but I'd appreciate
> having some _very_ simply MTA (since forgetting to turn off a feature
> would result in a security leak). Does someone know a program/package
> which does this job? 

QMail is pretty easy to set this up with, I'm not totaly sure how Debian's
cron sends mail thouch (I had a problem with QNX's cron using the 'mail'
program which only worked with sendmail :<)

Basically all you do with QMail is not run the inetd spawned daemon, it
will never accept mail from the outside world. You could probably also
quite easially configure it to forward all mail to some other host and
never do local delivery (I've never tried that though). Unless you install
the qmail-smtp progam it will never listen on a port which should work
well for firewalls. 


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