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Re: Duplicate messages on this list

trd@cs.mu.oz.au said:
> Sorry, this came out sounding harsher than it was supposed to. I just
> think that there are some problems that could really do with solving,
> and Reply-To: would do it at a relatively small cost. 

Is it really so hard to use ``Reply All'' and then cut out all the Cc: except the list address ?

Are there mailers that are feeble enough to make this difficult ?  Or is it just that people are not using the functionality available to them ?

IMHO overriding an existing Reply-To is a bad idea.

With your solution, how do you propose to deal with the case where someone has a good reason for using a Reply-To ?

Cheers, Phil.

trd@cs.mu.oz.au said:
> Sorry, this came out sounding harsher than it was supposed to. I just
> think that there are some problems that could really do with solving,
> and Reply-To: would do it at a relatively small cost. 

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