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Re: question

"Timo Pettersson" <timo.pettersson@swipnet.se> writes:
> Hi. I wasn't shore were to send this mail so I sended it here.

In the future send it to debian-user@lists.debian.org.  debian-devel
is not the correct forum.

> I'm wondering if I can run Linux on my machine.
> I have a PentiumII 266 with an AGP graphic-card (Asus 3Dexplorer).

AGP cards are not yet supported by XFree86.  They should be supported
in a few months, though, if the underlying chipset is already
supported.  What chipset does this card use?

> I couldn't find any of them on your site. Neither any driver for Sound
> Blaster 64.

Sound Blaster 64 is fully supported, including AWE features, if you
compile those features into your kernel.

> Please send me an answer. I'm really tired of Windows95 and want to change
> to Linux.

That's the attitude!

> And one more question. I saw two screen shoots of some Linux. It was real
> nice, but I wonder if I can change the way it look exactly the way I want
> it to look? (The graphical part)

You can change it however you want.  At least a dozen window managers
are available, most of which are highly configurable.  If you have a
lot of trouble doing your customizations, you can edit the source
code, for that matter.
Ben Pfaff <pfaffben@pilot.msu.edu> <blp@gnu.org> <pfaffben@debian.org>

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