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Re: Bug#9196: XFree86-3.1.2 still around?

In article <[🔎] xe1wwpgcsms.fsf@maneki-neko.cygnus.com>,
	Mark Eichin <eichin@cygnus.com> writes:

>> (it's from the X consortium, which is surely more standard than Xfree86?),
> Not in the linux community it isn't.  Software built for other
> distributions will be built on xfree86, not on 6.3...

But it _is_ xfree86; the hardware specific code is identical to the latest
6.1-based xfree86, the other code is identical to what will be in the next
xfree86 release.

>> The ability to generate secure cookies is useful if you want to play one of
> Not sure what feature you're referring to,

You can generate a cookie that allows an ordinary program to run, but not to
change settings, or to do a keyboard grab, or a few other things; therefore
it is reasonably safe to give to a complete stranger, knowing that the worst
they can do with it is to be mildly annoying.

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