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Re: Bug#9196: XFree86-3.1.2 still around?

> It's not that bleeding edge (about three or four months old) nor our own

6.3 was *less* stable than 6.1 as released.  It had security fixes and
new features, but needed some post-release patches too.

> (it's from the X consortium, which is surely more standard than Xfree86?),

Not in the linux community it isn't.  Software built for other
distributions will be built on xfree86, not on 6.3...

> The ability to generate secure cookies is useful if you want to play one of

Not sure what feature you're referring to, but there have been various
levels of xauth security in previous releases (back to x11r4)
already... and it's easier (ie. possible) to revoke host-based access,
which would be somewhat useful for games like that.  And there's still
no connection-level security...

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