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Re: Kernel on 1997-05-01 boot disks missing stuff.

> Dale Scheetz wrote:
> > I gets to the point just before "uncompressing kernel" and locks with the
> > error:  A20 gating failure.
> This is the second time I've received a report of this and I'm pretty
> sure it's because of the Toshiba Tecra patch.  I'll remove it from the
> next release which will mean the people with Toshiba Tecra's won't be able
> to boot.
> Any opinions?

As someone with a Tecra I suppose I'm biased, but in fact it doesn't really affect me because I know how to fix the problem --- it would be nice if the patch was selectable from the kernel ``make config'' though. 

Dwarf, Is it possible to get the A20 problem to go away by playing with the BIOS setting for A20 ?

I think we need to assess the relative numbers of people who are going to be affected by this, and go with pleasing the biggest group.  I would guess there are not that many people with Tecra's because they are not exactly cheap, but how many motherboards are giving the A20 problem ?

A reasonable solution might be to include a Tecra specific 1.44 boot disk (toshresc.bin) image in the disk set.  At least then people can get booted, and you don't need a 1.2 version because laptops don't have them.

Cheers, Phil.

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