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Re: daylight savings time: POSIX vs real world

> The only drawback is that other OSes like Win95 will have the wrong
> time, but who cares about that :> Note that next time daylight savings
> changes, Win95 will reset your clock next time you boot it.  You'll
> have to go in and change it back.  Win95 doesn't ask you for
> permission, but it does warn you.

There is a checkbox at the bottom of the W95 timezone setup screen (the one with the map of the world) that can be un-selected to stop this.

I found that for some reason W95 was putting me a hour forward every time I booted into W95 (about once every other month :), so rummaged around until I found out how to stop it.  Of course, it might have stopped because it realised it shouldn't be doing it in the first place --- Who knows with Lose95.

Cheers, Phil.

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