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Can I take wml and eperl?

	Current situation:
	Heiko Schlittermann <heiko@lotte.sax.de> maintains
	wml and eperl. Last mentions of him in changelogs
	is Oct/Sep.. There are new versions out, both packages
	suffer a bug, etc.
	If no-one protests I'll make new versions of these
	(eperl is ready;) and upload - as soon as I can arrange
	an account on master, that is..

	PS. Currently wml includes eperl, iselect,
	    weblint, m4, txt2html etc. I intend to split
	    these (atleast the bigger ones) to separate
	    packages, and make wml depend on them. See
	    /usr/doc/wml/COPYRIGHT.OTHER. No reason to
	    have eperl or m4 installed twice.. But that
	    cames *after* getting a working version out.

tv-nospam-sig-1@hq.yok.utu.fi - it's a valid address w/o spam | +358-50-5124907
f u cn rd ths, thn u cn rd perl 2 | rm -rf / && echo bye-bye. |           --tv

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