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Re: Taking over production of emacs20 package.

Sten Anderson <sten@bergsoe.k-net.dk> writes:

> Imagine the initial dselect session. A zillion packages with elisp
> files are being installed simultaneously with one or two emacsen...

No, you'd want to do it like the menu package.  If I understand
correctly, menu forks off into the background waiting until the entire
dselect session if finished, accumulating requests, and then runs them
all at once in a single pass.

> May I suggest a middleway: You write your compilation program as you
> intended, but instead of calling the program from the postinst
> scripts, it is left in /usr/sbin for the user to run manually.  The
> postint (and the user manual) could write a warning telling the user
> to run the script. This way it only has to run once when multiple
> packages are installed.

I'd really like to avoid more messages during the install process if
possible.  Most likely, people will miss it unless I put a pause
(which is even worse than the message), and then they'll just be
annoyed that Debian's emacs is *really* slow.

> (Maybe the program should also include an option for cleaning .elc's
> if an emacsen is uninstalled?)

Oh, I'm planning for that to be automatic.  The emacs maintainer will
just have to have an appropriate call in the postrm.

Rob Browning <rlb@cs.utexas.edu>
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