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Moving topics from debian-private (was Re: SPI money out)

On 16-Dec-1997, bruce@va.debian.org <bruce@va.debian.org> wrote:
> > I would also like to suggest a print or two.  I do not know if this
> > idea would actually make money, but I would buy one.
> Uh-oh, you moved this topic from the other mailing list. Consider your
> knuckles rapped :-) No harm done this time, but be careful.

This is almost certainly caused by people replying to mail, then
realizing that they are replying to the author, not the list, and so
manually changing the mail headers, and accidentally sending it
to the wrong list. 

A couple of us discussed this (and other problems with the mailing
list), in the thread "Duplicate messages on this list" in debian-devel
about a week ago and eventually came to a standstill where most people
in the discussion were happy with the following solution:
	Set the mailing lists up so that the headers are munged
	in the following way:

		From -> Sender  
		Reply-To -> From 
		Reply-To: debian-foo@...                                         
	To: debian-foo@lists.debian.org
	From: me@somemachine.org
	Reply-To: me@home.org

	To: debian-foo@lists.debian.org
	From: me@home.org
	Reply-To: debian-foo@lists.debian.org

This will remove the need for so many CCs on the lists (which many
people with expensive net access hate), stop replies from moving into
private email from default (which is both good and bad), still allows
people behind broken firewalls and things use Reply-To: effectively,
and most importantly make it difficult to accidentally move
a topic from debian-private to anywhere else (which happens too often
to feel safe about it).

I feel confident that procmail or sendmail can do this munging.

(I've CC:ed this mail to debian-policy and the listmaster, hopefully 
if there are no problems with this solution we can implement it).

       Tyson Dowd           # 
                            #         Linux versus Windows is a 
     trd@cs.mu.oz.au        #            Win lose situation.
http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~trd #

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debian-devel-request@lists.debian.org . 
Trouble?  e-mail to templin@bucknell.edu .

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