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Re: ncpfs 2.1.xx (fwd)


> Wrote the message below to the maintainer of ncpfs and he referred me to
> you for an answer.  I also notice you use Debian and that also fits in
> well with my setup.  I use the latest snapshot of the hamm distribution.
> Are you also the Debian maintainer for ncpfs?

Yup, I am the new Debian maintainer for ncpfs but I don't feel very proud
of it these days. The reason being is that I am having a heck of a
time to port ncpfs 2.0.11 to libc6.

As you say, if you try to compile the normal ncpfs 2.0.11 against
libc6 you'll get an infinite number of compiler errors.

However, after several minor changes to the source, I was able to
compile and create a libc6 .deb package. There is a big problem,
though: something is not working right with ncpmount and ncpumount.
Volker (the upstream maintainer) and I think that the mount() system
call in libc6 is doing something different than its libc5 equivalent
so the NetWare server is being mounted without permissions over the
mount point (d--------- instead of drwxr-xr-x). Later, ncpumount fails
to unmount the file system and plain umount must be used.

I can not release a ncpfs Debian package in this state. I am trying to
work with Volker but he is quite busy these days. I hope he can find
spare time soon to help me to track this down. In the meanwhile I will
try asking in the linux-kernel and debian-devel lists.

What I can offer right now is to provide you with a libc5 Debian
package for ncpfs 2.0.11. I am using it in my production servers with
excellent results (no problems at all - I'm knocking on wood). Your
hamm system should be both libc5 and libc6 based at this time so you
should have no problems with this. Let me know if you want it and I'll
send it through e-mail.




Eloy A. Paris
Information Technology Department
Rockwell Automation de Venezuela
Telephone: +58-2-9432311 Fax: +58-2-9431645

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