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Re: ncpfs 2.1.xx (fwd)

On Wed, Nov 26, 1997 at 12:36:09PM -0400, Eloy A. Paris wrote:
> Yup, I am the new Debian maintainer for ncpfs but I don't feel very proud
> of it these days. The reason being is that I am having a heck of a
> time to port ncpfs 2.0.11 to libc6.
> As you say, if you try to compile the normal ncpfs 2.0.11 against
> libc6 you'll get an infinite number of compiler errors.
> However, after several minor changes to the source, I was able to
> compile and create a libc6 .deb package. There is a big problem,
> though: something is not working right with ncpmount and ncpumount.
> Volker (the upstream maintainer) and I think that the mount() system
> call in libc6 is doing something different than its libc5 equivalent
> so the NetWare server is being mounted without permissions over the
> mount point (d--------- instead of drwxr-xr-x). Later, ncpumount fails
> to unmount the file system and plain umount must be used.

It sounds like you are doing a good job of fixing it. I've seen this problem
before - when I mount an NTFS partition (using the ntfs.deb kernel module) I
get these same permissions (and so only root can use it at all). I think
this was with 2.0.30, I'm now using 2.1.65 so I'll see if that's made any


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