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Request for ideas to name a new menu entry

As it is now, the "Apps/Tools" menu is quite overloaded.  Among the
various stuff found here are a bunch of small utilities I see as
related together, which could IMHO be put in a new menu entry.

After having somewhat discussed this issue with Joey, we couldn't find
a label for this category, that would be intuitive enough.

Here are (some of) the entries this category would have:


As you may see:

* all of them are closely related to the use of X itself, regardless
of any other app running

* they do not provide any high-level functionnality

One rejected suggestions was:


However, that location might not be the best one. Anyway, I don't see
these small tools as real Apps.

Does anyone else agree with the usefulness of such a menu entry ?

What are your suggestions for a location in the menu tree ?

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