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Re: group of Java maintainers was Re: guavac, kaffe, kore, a free java development environment?

I think it would be nice for us to eventually build a lightweight network
computing client. This would be a _really_stripped_down_ system capable of
network booting and executing a web browser and Java (not much more than a
kernel, X server, browser, and java runtime), and a regular Debian system to
be its server. It should network boot from one floppy (or ROM) and download
X and the rest once it has booted. Use of font servers and other stuff
intended to reduce or eliminate local storage would be nice.

I think it would be a service to the world to have a free complete
implemntation of such a thing to compete with the Oracle/IBM version.

Obviously, getting all of the services to run under a complete Debian
system is a starting point for this project, and is also essential for
everyone who really doesn't like the network computing idea because it
is the re-invention of the mainframe :-) . Stripping the client down
might best be a separate project from Debian within SPI.


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