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Open Hardware Program


I have a few questions...

First of all, what is happening with this?  We seem to have the support of
a lot of people, but only two pieces of hardware.  Is anyone even
applying?  Are we doing anything to actively promote it?

I'm currently thinking about redoing the Linux Incompatibility List, which
I maintain.  It needs a new home page anyway...  What possibilities might
there be to link the two?  I have also been contacted by the new Hardware
HOWTO maintainer who seems interested in merging the LIL with the HOWTO,
which would be a good thing, I think.  

I'm sort of thinking along the lines of a field in the HOWTO like 'Open
Hardware Certified? Yes/NO'.

I'm also very open to suggestions regarding how to link the LIL with the
Open Hardwar page, other than just the plain old link I already have.

Would it be feasible to host the LIL 'within' the Open Hardware page,
maybe as a way to draw people to it?  It does have a CGI, if that is a

Looking for ideas,

David Welton                          http://www.efn.org/~davidw                

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