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Re: Red Hat 5.0 Release date

On Fri, 21 Nov 1997, Robert D. Hilliard wrote:

>      IMHO, after the install script has led the user through the steps
> of creating a root password and setting up a user account, it should
> display a message about configuring ppp, then walk him through the
> necessary modifications to /etc/ppp/chatscript, /etc/ppp.options_out,
> and /etc/ppp/options to fit his ISP setup.  It should be possible to
> completely configure ppp, at least for users with dial-up access to
> their ISP, and simple authorization.  I'm not familiar with PAP, so I
> can't say if PAP authorization could be set up that simply.  

I think what we need is simply support for very simple configuration for
users with PAP. That is, if you can just go into Win95 and create a
Dial-Up networking thingy and have it work you should be able to use our
stuff. Around here everyone now supports what is basically auto-ppp and
PAP (this is what Win95 uses). 

A nice ppp-config that asks for Provider, Number, User Name and Password
would likely suffice for a majority of cases. It's easy to setup too,

[Woah, new pppd things in hamm, hope this is right :> ]

It's something like /etc/ppp/peers/<PROVIDER> has
  connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/<PROVIDER>"
  defaultroute /dev/modem 38400 
  user <USERNAME>
and /etc/chatscript/<PROVIDER> has:
  ABORT        BUSY
  ABORT        VOICE
  ""           ATDT<NUMBER>
  CONNECT      ""
and append this to /etc/pap-secrets

It should be pretty simple for some klever perl hacker to make a script
that does the above. That will work with alot of ISP's.

[BTW, the above config dials, then drops immediately to PPP mode,
initiates a PAP authentication with the user <username> and when that
passed initiates IP communication. Most ISP's send a 'login :' string but
will detect the PPP handshake and immediately switch to PAP over PPP for


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