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Re: source package diffs

In article <Pine.LNX.3.96.971120144739.12617B-100000@heorot.cks.com>,
	davidw@cks.com (David Welton) writes:

> Briefly, would it be silly to try and seperate the diffs which deal with
> the debian subdirectory from those which actually have to do with the
> code?  This would make it easier to look at what's actually being done to
> the code.  Or is this a lot of work for relatively little gain?  

No gain at all. I was using debian sources before I install debian: just
ignore the debian directory. A few extra bytes in the patch is the only
penalty for keeping it there.

That's for users of course, I can see it's a problem for upstream
maintainers, but they ought to get patches emailed by the debian developers,
so shouldn't need to look at our .diff.gz files.

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