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Re: Intent to package: xtrs

On Sat, 15 Nov 1997, Brian Bassett wrote:

> How about making it two packages?
> * xtrs: in main, requires xtrs-roms; everything but the ROMS
> * xtrs-roms: in non-free; just the ROMS
> That way, everything that has been released as falling under the DFSG
> goes in the main distribution, while the copyrighted stuff finds company
> in non-free.

No. Somthing that is free itself but depends on something non-free must go
into contrib. And if you are not allowed to put the ROMs on a publicly
accessable ftp site, the ROMs can't go anywhere. I don't know the
copyright for these ROMs, but it might be similar to that of the C=64 (and
others) ROMs that are used by vice. Vice's postinst script simply tells
the user that he/she must own the ROMs (i.e. the computer that vice will
be emulating) before downloading them and then asks the user if he/she
wants to download the ROM images. I think this is the way to go for other
emulators, too.


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