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Re: Proposed solution to free/non-free Debate -- Please Read!

Am 14.11.97 schrieb thomppj # thomppj.student.okstate.edu ...

Moin Paul!

PJT> 1.  I suggest we revise the wording of the DFSG to be a little more
PJT> non-free software friendly.  Not relax our standards, just change the

If we use the DFSG strictly we've to remove a lot of packages from the  
main section. This affects for example all doc-linux-* packages. Some  
HOWTO authors don't allow changing the content of their HOWTO (PPP/RPM  
HOWTO for example). In my opinion we don't need the permission to change  
the content, but the DFSG doesn't distinguish between content and format.

PJT> involved.  Change non-free to non-dfsg.  I know the effort this would

I think we need both sections. We should move all free packages that  
doesn't meet our DFSG to non-dfsg and commercial material to non-free.

PJT> require and I have heard the complaints comments.  Someone said before
PJT> this was bad because it was harder for a new user to understand but this
PJT> is exactly why I think we should change it.  You couldn't help understand

Your're right. A lot of people don't understand the Debian non-free  

cu, Marco

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