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Re: GLIBC 2.0.5c changes...

>>"Nikita" == Nikita Schmidt <cetus@snowball.ucd.ie> writes:

Nikita> On Friday, 14 Nov, Michael Alan Dorman wrote:
>>  It's already being done---we're getting the right kernel headers.

Nikita> With libc6.1-dev?  Well, there are some minor differences
Nikita> between Alpha and other versions of include/linux, but it does
Nikita> not seem to be a problem.  I hope you are right.  But I am not
Nikita> 100% sure.  Especially when it comes to kernel compilation.

	Kernel compilation does not care what you have in
 /usr/include/{linux,asm} --- it always looks to local files. So
 irrespective of what's in libc, you kernel shall not suffer.

>>  What if you're running a 2.1 kernel and I'm still running 2.0.31?
>> libc should include the headers from the latest mainstream
>> kernel---which is generally the latest stable kernel, although I
>> wouldn't think it totally impossible for them to reflect a
>> particularly common and stable late-model development kernel.

Nikita> Good idea.  That's true that we must be careful when compiling
Nikita> against the latest kernel headers, but some packages (e.g.,
Nikita> modutils) may actually benefit from it (modutils would try the
Nikita> newer interface and fall back on 2.0 kernels, which is very
Nikita> good, because this is the case when the kernel interfaces are
Nikita> completely incompatible).

	In which case you should use CFLAGS in the makefile of the
 affected package. Such packages are rare indeed, and for reasons I
 mentioned in my other post, one should not create the obsolete
 symlinks to pander to just these (rare) packages.

	If you have kernel-headers on your system, please read
 /usr/doc/kernel-headers-X.X.XX/README. That should answer most
 questions, Also look at /usr/doc/kernel-package/Multi-Arch.gz, if you
 have a recent kernel-package, for the other part.

 "Consequences, Schmonsequences, as long as I'm rich." Daffy Duck,
 from Looney Tunes "Ali Baba Bunny" (1957, Chuck Jones)
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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