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"official" Debian rep, anyone? someone please answer

	This is a thread I've been following on comp.os.linux.x --
discussing the KDE/Qt issue we've been going over on the debian-* lists.
Anyway,  at one point,  someone in this message requests a statement from
Debian and Redhat members about including KDE,  etc...
	I was going to just point them to
http://www.debian.org/social_contract.html but figured that someone from
debian other than me,  a new maintainer,  might want to take a crack at
answering the call for "official" reps to answer.

Last message from the thread follows my .sig.


|             harpo@udel.edu lowe@cis.udel.edu lowe@debian.org           |
|			http://www.cis.udel.edu/~lowe/		         |
|               You say "Love is a temple.  Love the higher law."        |
|	        You ask me to enter,  but then you make me crawl.        | 
|	          And I can't be holding on to what you got              |
|	                   When all you got is hurt.                     |

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 13 Nov 1997 17:45:37 GMT
From: "Michael W. Ryan" <mryan@netaxs.com>
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: KDE: Standard GUI for Linux?

On Wed, 12 Nov 1997 14:02:24 +0100, Christian Esken
<esken@ls7.informatik.uni-dortmund.de> wrote:

>somebody said in this thread, KDE would never be included with
>Linux distributions, because Qt is not free. This is not true.
>SuSE will put KDE into their 5.1 version of their distribution, and
>KDE is already in the contrib section of RedHats server. There is
>no reason, why RedHat, Slackware or whoever should not include
>KDE into their distribution, because it will cost them nothing -
>there are neither runtime nor development fees for free software.

Debina, and I believe Red Hat, will not include any software or package
with their main distributions that has a non-free or odd license.  There's
an example of a package that's fairly popular that isn't part of the
regular Debian distribution because it's "postcard-ware", i.e. it requests
that users send the author a postcard.  Because of Qt's odd (this is "odd"
in the objective sense, so spare me the flames) licensing, they probably
won't include them in their main distributions.  Because KDE depends on
Qt, it would be pointless to include KDE.

It would be nice if Debian and Red Hat reps could comment on this.

>Only if you do not want programming freedom at all and charge
>money for your product, then Qt will cost you money - which is
>a fair deal, hmm?

This is a matter of religious debate.

Michael W. Ryan
Email:  mryan@netaxs.com           WWW:  http://www.netaxs.com/~mryan/

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