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Re: non-DFSG section and CD distributers

>>"Christoph" == Christoph Lameter <clameter@miriam.fuller.edu> writes:

Christoph> Right. Call it non-dfsg. Otherwise outsiders might
Christoph> misunderstand. This also emphasizes that the rest of the
Christoph> dist is dfsg! Debian has no monopoly on what free means.

	No, Debian does not have a monopoly on what's free. But on
 Debian's site Debian's definition holds. 

	Different people have very different interpretations on what
 is free, or almost free. Lots of people shall tell you that internet
 explorer is free, since it costs you nothing to acquire it. And
 Netscape is almost free, since $49 is a pittance. And adobe photoshop
 is a steal at $500, compared to what Bruce uses at work (I
 think). One has to draw a line somewhere.

	Debians line in the sand is called the DFSG. 

 Debian's web site is Debian's castle
 An exception TESTS a rule; it NEVER proves it.  -- Edmund C. Berkeley
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