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non-DFSG section and CD distributers

I have been talking to an upstream maintainer and the question of how Debian
is distributed came up. I downloaded the "debian-cd" package but I am a bit
confused as to what is put on the CD - it seems to build a binary CD and
optionally a source CD. However it seems to include all three trees as
neither contrib or non-free seemed to be excluded.

In the process I came to the conclusion that "non-free" is a misleading term
- maybe it should be renamed "non-dfsg". A fair number of packages in there
are free, just not as "free" as we would like them to be. I'll probably
get flamed by lots of GPL people, but I don't have a problem with someone
who wants to protect their hard work.


email: adrian.bridgett@poboxes.com       | Debian Linux - www.debian.org
http://www.poboxes.com/adrian.bridgett   | Because bloated, unstable 
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